Devon Rose Leaver

Devon Rose Leaver

Hello fungi fanatics!

My name is Devon Rose Leaver (she/her) and I’m a senior at Clark University originally from Westchester, NY. I joined the Hibbett lab a year ago after gaining interest in fungi by reading the book Entangled Life and growing up curious about the role these mysterious organisms play in our environment! My project with Lentinus Tigrinus involves studying somatic incompatibility in relation to organism size as well as studying mating types and compatibility. In simple terms, my work involves culturing and crossing samples to determine compatibility between individuals as well as isolating spores to determine mating alleles from samples. 

Besides my work in the Hibbett lab, I also work in the Chemistry department as a stockroom assistant and am the president of the Clark Mycology Club and the Clark Climbing Club. When I’m not working or involved in extracurriculars I’m rock climbing, reading, hiking, or slacklining! I am a LEEP and SURE Fellowship student as of the summer of 2023 and truly grateful for the opportunity to be working in the Hibbett lab. My experiences in mycology have shown me that your scope of understanding always has room to expand and shift. I look forward to participating in Clark University’s accelerated Masters Program upon graduating and to build upon my experiences and knowledge!

If you have any questions or want to learn more about me and my work, contact me at:

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